From: "R. Sock, Institut de Phonetique de Strasbourg"
Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2003 14:05:35 +0200

Bienvenu sur " PAROLE ", le lien de la Communauté Francophone de la Communication Parlée. Elle est gérée par l'Association Francophone de la Communication Parlée (AFCP) et a pour but de permettre la circulation d'informations importantes relatives à notre communauté. Vous pouvez donc m'envoyer vos " Nouvelles Brèves " (annonces de conférences, séminaires, thèses, appels d'offres, offres d'emploiŠ) en vue de la prochaine édition (mi octobre 2003).

Par ailleurs, permettez-moi de vous annoncer que les prochaines Journées d'Etudes sur la Parole (JEP 2004) seront confiées au Laboratoire Parole et Langage - LPL, de l'Université de Provence, pour une co-organisation avec TALN, à Fès (MAROC).

Toutes les informations concernant ces JEP sont disponibles sur le site de l'Association (!!!

Liste de diffusion Parole :
* Inscription
* Résiliation
* Informations
* Contact :
* CA de AFCP :


* A. Journées d'Etude sur la Parole 2004 & Traitement Automatique du Langage Naturel 2004
* B. LREC 2004
* C. LangTech 2003
* D. Les cinquièmes Rencontres Jeunes Chercheurs en Parole 2003
* E. Vient de paraître
* F. Corpus est à la disposition de la communauté
* G. ELRA Catalogue update
* H. Nécrologie


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* JEP'04 *
* XVËmes JournÈes d'Etude sur la Parole *
* *
* Palais de congrËs *
* FËs (Maroc) *
* du 19 au 22 avril 2004 *
* *
* *



Date limite de soumission: 15 janvier 2004
Notification aux auteurs: 20 fÈvrier 2004
Version finale (prÍt-à-clicher): 8 mars 2004
ConfÈrence: 19-22 avril 2004

Conjointement organisÈe par le LPL (Laboratoire Parole et Langage,
Aix-en-Provence, France), l'UniversitÈ de FËs et l'Ecole Normale
SupÈrieure de FËs, la 25Ëme Èdition des JournÈes d'Etude sur la Parole
(JEP'04) se tiendra, du 19 au 23 avril 2004, au Palais des CongrËs de
FËs, Maroc. La confÈrence comprendra des communications orales et
affichÈes, ainsi que des confÈrences invitÈes.

La langue officielle de la confÈrence est le franÁais.

Les JEP 2004 sont organisÈes sous l'Ègide de l'AFCP (Association
francophone pour la communication parlÈe), avec le soutien de l'ISCA
(International Speech Communication Association).

Comme en 2002, les JEP 2004 seront organisÈes conjointement avec la
confÈrence TALN (Traitement automatique des langues naturelles). Des
sessions communes seront organisÈes, et les participants recevront les
actes des deux confÈrences sur CDROM.


Les communications porteront sur la communication parlÈe et le
traitement de la parole dans leurs diffÈrents aspects. Les thËmes de
la confÈrence incluent, de faÁon non limitative:

Production de parole
Acoustique de la parole
Perception de parole
PhonÈtique et phonologie
Reconnaissance et comprÈhension de la parole
Reconnaissance de la langue et du locuteur
ModËles de langage
SynthËse de la parole
Analyse, codage et compression de la parole
Applications ý composantes orales (dialogue, indexation...)
Evaluation, corpus et ressources
Acquisition de la parole et du langage
Apprentissage d'une langue seconde
Pathologies de la parole

Compte tenu de la jonction JEP/TALN et de la localisation de la
confÈrence, JEP'04 encourage la soumission de contributions dans les
domaines suivants:

. techniques pour le traitement de la parole et de l'Ècrit
. traitement de l'arabe parlÈ
. phonÈtique et phonologie de l'arabe


Les auteurs sont invitÈs ý soumettre des travaux de recherche
originaux, n'ayant pas fait l'objet de publications antÈrieures. Les
contributions proposÈes seront examinÈes par au moins deux
spÈcialistes du domaine. Seront considÈrÈes en particulier:

- l'importance et l'originalitÈ de la contribution,
- la correction du contenu scientifique et technique,
- la discussion critique des rÈsultats, en particulier par
rapport aux autres travaux du domaine
- la situation des travaux dans le contexte de la recherche
- l'organisation et la clartÈ de la prÈsentation
- l'adÈquation aux thËmes de la confÈrence.

Les articles sÈlectionnÈs seront publiÈs dans les actes de la


Les articles soumis ne devront pas dÈpasser 4 pages en Times 10,
sur deux colonnes, format A4. Une feuille de style LaTeX et un modËle
Word seront disponibles sur le site de la confÈrence

Les articles devront parvenir au comitÈ d'organisation avant le
15 janvier 2004, sous forme Èlectronique, ý l'adresse suivante :

Format pour les soumissions :

Les auteurs devront envoyer leur soumission sous la forme d'un
document attachÈ ý un courrier Èlectronique ayant pour titre
"soumission JEP" et contenant le titre de la communication, le nom,
l'affiliation, l'adresse postale, l'adresse Èlectronique, le numÈro de
tÈlÈphone et le fax de l'auteur principal. Le nom du fichier sera
construit sur le modËle suivant: JEP_nom.pdf, ex.: JEP_teston.pdf.

Les documents devront Ítre envoyÈs au format PDF, ou, ý dÈfaut,
au format RTF. La police de caractËres phonÈtiques ý utiliser pour les
documents au format RTF est la police SILDoulosIPA, gratuitement
tÈlÈchargeable ý partir du site


Les informations pratiques seront prÈcisÈes ultÈrieurement, notamment
sur le site web de la confÈrence
Organisation de 2 seminaires en novembre. Les informations completes seront distribuees tres
* Seminaire d'information ESTER, le 7 Novembre a 14h, Paris.
Ce seminaire presentera la campagne d'evaluation ESTER (Evaluation des Systemes de
Transcription d'Emissions Radiophoniques) et sera suivi d'une table ronde sur "les retombees d'ESTER
pour la communauté parole". Ce seminaire sera organise dans la salle "Treuille de Beaulieu", DGA/CTA.
* Seminaire "les emotions" organise par l'AFCP et le GDR I3 le 20 Novembre 2003,
a l'ICP de Grenoble.

B. ************************************************************************************
LREC 2004

The fourth international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation,
LREC 2004, is organised by ELRA in cooperation with other Associations and
consortia, national and international organisations.

Centro Cultural de Belem, Lisbon, Portugal

- Pre-conference workshops: 24-25 May 2004
- Main conference: 26-27-28 May 2004
- Post-conference workshops: 29-30 May 2004

Conference web site:
In the Information Society, the pervasive character of Human Language
Technologies (HLT) and their relevance to practically all fields of Information
Society Technologies (IST) has been widely recognised.

Two issues are particularly relevant: the availability of Language
Resources (LRs)
and the methods for the evaluation of resources, technologies, products and
Substantial mutual benefits are achieved by addressing these issues through

The term "language resources" (LRs) refers to sets of language data and

in machine readable form, used in many types of
- creation and evaluation of natural language, speech and multimodal
algorithms and systems,
- software localisation and language services,
- language enabled information and communication services,
- knowledge management,
- e-commerce, e-publishing, e-learning, e-government,
- cultural heritage,
- linguistic studies,
- etc.

This large range of uses makes the LRs infrastructure a strategic part of
the e-society,
where the creation of a basic set of LRs for all languages must be ensured
in order to bring
all languages to the same level of usability and availability.

Examples of LRs are written or spoken corpora and lexica, which may be

annotated or not,
multimodal resources, grammars, terminology or domain specific databases
and dictionaries,
ontologies, multimedia databases, etc. LRs also cover basic software tools
for the acquisition,
preparation, collection, management, customisation and use of the above

mentioned examples.

The relevance of evaluation for language technologies development is
increasingly recognised.
This involves assessing the state-of-the-art for a given technology,
measuring the progress
achieved within a programme, comparing different approaches to a given

problem, assessing
the availability of technologies for a given application, benchmarking, and
assessing system
usability and user satisfaction.

The aim of this conference is to provide an overview of the
state-of-the-art, discuss problems and
opportunities, exchange information regarding LRs, their applications,

ongoing and planned activities,
industrial uses and needs, requirements coming from the new e-society, both
with respect to policy
issues and to technological and organisational ones. LREC will also
elaborate on evaluation methodologies
and tools, explore the different trends and promote initiatives for
international collaboration in the areas
mentioned above.
Examples of the topics which may be addressed by papers submitted to the
conference are given below.

*** Issues in the design, construction and use of Language Resources (LRs)***

- Guidelines, standards, specifications, models and best practices for LRs,
- Methods, tools and procedures for the acquisition, creation, management,
access, distribution and use of LRs,
- Methods for the extraction and acquisition of knowledge (e.g. terms,

lexical information, language modelling) from LRs,
- Organisational and legal issues in the construction, distribution, access
and use of LRs,
- Availability and use of generic vs. task/domain specific LRs,
- Definition and requirements for a Basic and Extended LAnguage Resource
Kit (BLARK, ELARK) for all languages,
- Monolingual and multilingual LRs,
- Multimedia and multimodal LRs. - Integration of various media and
modalities in LRs (speech, vision, language),
- Documentation and archiving of languages, including minority and
endangered languages,
- Ontologies and knowledge representation,
- Terminology, term extraction, domain-specific dictionaries,
- LRs for linguistic research in human-machine communication,
- Exploitation of LRs in different types of applications (information
extraction, information retrieval, speech dictation,
translation, summarisation, web services, semantic web, etc.),
- Exploitation of LRs in different types of interfaces (dialog systems,

natural language and multimodal/multisensorial
interactions, etc.)
- Industrial LRs requirements, user needs and community's response,
- Industrial production of LRs,
- Industrial use of LRs,
- Metadata descriptions of LRs.

*** Issues in Human Language Technologies (HLT) evaluation ***

- Evaluation, validation, quality assurance of LRs,
- Evaluation methodologies, protocols and measures,
- Benchmarking of systems and products, resources for benchmarking and

evaluation, blackbox, glassbox and
diagnostic evaluation of systems,
- Usability and user experience evaluation, qualitative and perceptive

- Evaluation in written language processing (document production and
management, text retrieval, terminology
extraction, message understanding, text alignment, machine translation,

morphosyntactic tagging, parsing, semantic
tagging, word sense disambiguation, text understanding, summarisation,

question answering, localisation, etc.),
- Evaluation in spoken language processing (speech recognition and
understanding, voice dictation, oral dialog, speech
synthesis, speech coding, speaker and language recognition, spoken
translation, etc.),
- Evaluation of multimedia document retrieval and search systems (including
detection, indexing, filtering, alert, question
answering, etc),
- Evaluation of multimodal systems,
- From evaluation to standardisation.

*** General issues ***

- National and international activities and projects,
- LRs and the needs/opportunities of the emerging industries,
- LRs and contributions to societal needs (e.g. e-society),
- Priorities, perspectives, strategies in national and international
policies for LRs,
- Needs, possibilities, forms, initiatives of/for international
cooperation, and their organisational and
technological implications,
- Open architectures for LRs.

The Conference targets the integration of different types of LRs (spoken,
written and other modalities) and
of the respective communities. To this end, LREC encourages submissions

covering issues which are
common to different types of Language Technologies, such as dialog
strategy, written and spoken translation,
domain-specific data, multimodal communication or multimedia document
processing, and will organise, in addition
to the usual tracks, common sessions encompassing the different areas of LRs.
The Scientific Programme will include invited talks, oral presentations,
poster presentations, referenced
demonstrations and panels. There is no difference in quality between oral
presentations and poster presentations.
Only the appropriateness of the type of communication to the content of the
paper will be considered.
Submitted abstracts of papers for oral and poster presentations should

consist of about 800 words.

Demonstrations of LRs and related tools will be reviewed as well. You
should send an outline of
about 400 words. If a demo is connected to a paper, please attach the
outline to the paper abstract.

A limited number of panels and workshops is foreseen, proposals will be

reviewed by the Programme

For panels, please send a brief description, including an outline of the
intended structure (topic, organiser, panel
moderator, tentative list of panelists).

For workshops, see the dedicated section below.

Only electronic submissions will be considered. Further details about
submission will be circulated in the 2nd call
for papers and posted on the LREC web site (

-------------------------------------------IMPORTANT DATES
- Submission of proposals for panels and workshops: 20th October 2003

- Submission of proposals for oral and poster papers, referenced demos:

31st October 2003

- Notification of acceptance of workshop and panel proposals: 14th November

- Notification of acceptance of oral papers, posters, referenced demos:

23rd January 2004

- Final versions for the proceedings: 1st March 2004

- Conference: 26th 28th May 2004

- Pre-conference workshops: 24th and 25th May 2004

- Post-conference workshops: 29th and 30th May 2004

The proceedings of the conference will include both oral and poster papers.

Internet connections and various computer platforms and facilities will be
available at the conference
site. In addition to referenced demos concerning LRs and related tools, it
will be possible to run
unreferenced demos of language processing products, systems and tools.

Those interested should contact
the organiser of the demonstrations (details will be posted on
Pre-conference workshops will be organised on 24th and 25th May 2004, and
workshops on 29th and 30th May 2004. A workshop is normally either half day
or full day.
Proposals for workshops should be no longer than three pages, and include:

- A brief technical description of the specific technical issues that the
workshop will address.
- The reasons why the workshop is of interest this time.
- The names, postal addresses, phone and fax numbers and email addresses of
the workshop organising
committee, which should consist of at least three people knowledgeable in
the field, coming from different institutions.
- The name of the member of the workshop organising committee designated as
the contact person.
- A time schedule of the workshop and a preliminary agenda.
- A summary of the intended workshop call for participation.
- A list of audio-visual or technical requirements and any special room


The workshop proposers will be responsible for the organisational aspects
(e.g. workshop call preparation
and distribution, review of papers, notification of acceptance, assembling
of the workshop proceedings, etc.).
Further details about submission will be circulated in the 2nd call for

papers and posted on the LREC web site:

Proceedings will be printed for each workshop.
Consortia or projects wishing to take this opportunity for organising
meetings should contact the ELDA office, (further details are given at the end of the document).

- Nicoletta Calzolari, Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale del CNR,

Pisa, Italy
- Khalid Choukri, ELRA, Paris, France
- Teresa Lino, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal
- Bente Maegaard, CST, Copenhagen, Denmark
- Joseph Mariani, LIMSI-CNRS, Orsay, France
- Jan Odijk, UIL-OTS, Utrecht, the Netherlands, and ScanSoft, Merelbeke,
- Daniel Tapias, Telefonica Moviles, Madrid, Spain
- Antonio Zampolli, Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale del CNR, Pisa,
Italy (Conference chair)

The composition of the committees as well as instructions and addresses for
registration and accommodation
will be detailed on the LREC web site at and will be

announced in the 2nd call for papers to be
issued at the end of July.

For more information about ELRA (European Language Resources Association),
please contact:

Khalid Choukri, ELRA CEO
55-57 Rue Brillat-Savarin,
75013 Paris - France
Tel: + 33 1 43 13 33 33
Fax: + 33 1 43 13 33 30
Web: or

The first LREC was organised in Granada (Spain) in 1998: 197 papers
and posters were presented, with about 510 registered participants
from 38 different countries from all continents. Among these, the largest
group came from Spain (81 participants), followed by France (75), USA (73),
Germany (47), UK (43) and Italy (41). Registered participants belonged to over
325 different organisations.

LREC 2000, in Athens, had 129 oral papers and 152 posters presented, with
around 600 participants from 51 different countries from all continents. Among
these, the largest group came from Greece (117), followed by USA (70),

France (59),
Germany (45), UK (43), Japan (35) and Italy (29). Registered participants
belonged to
319 different organisations.

LREC 2002, which took place in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain), attracted
over 700 representatives, coming from 38 countries around the world, who could
take advantage of the numerous oral and poster presentations (around 365,
every area in HLT).

A similar number of participants is expected at LREC 2004.

C. LangTech 2003

ELDA, the Evaluations and Language resources Distribution Agency, is
organising the 2nd edition of the LangTech
forum. LangTech 2003 is dedicated to commercial and technical aspects of
speech and language technologies
and is therefore a market-oriented forum.

Both industrial and academic representatives involved in the development,
deployment and exploitation of spoken
and written language technologies will be present at LangTech 2003.

This exciting and informative event will be held in Paris, at Meridien

Montparnasse Hotel, on November 24-25 2003.

LangTech 2003 will capitalise on previous achievements, and address the

state of play from an industrial and R&D
perspective. Above all, it will demonstrate the potential for language and
speech technologies to help improve business
processes, highlighting the business needs and stimulating opportunities.
LangTech will cover areas related to voice
technologies and applications, knowledge management and the semantic web,
as well as multilingual aspects of
developed technologies. Indeed, speech and language technologies are
already widely used for example in. machine
translation, document retrieval, voice-control, speech recognition and

digital content localisation.

In addition to key presentations from leading industrial players, an
exhibition will be organised during the two-day
conference, where cutting-edge companies can showcase their products,
services and applications. LangTech 2003
will also include “elevator pitch” sessions, where SMEs and start-ups
involved in HLT will be able to present their
companies and products, as well as panels to discuss the key issues
affecting the market.

Join us at LangTech 2003, and take full advantage of the LangTech 2003

exhibition area to showcase your products,
meet your clients, and promote your activities. You can contact us, at

If you would like to submit a proposal for the SME sessions, you will find
more information and guidelines on the
LangTech 2003 web site, at

The SME presentations aim to attract potential customers and/or investors,
and are judged by a panel of experts:
the best SME presentations will receive an award at the end of the forum.

Registration forms both for attendees and exhibitors are available on the
web. Registrations received before
September 8, 2003 will benefit from a discounted early bird delegate fee of
Euro 525, a discount of 100 Euro!
(Academic rate: Euro 325, Special price for Delegates from Accession countries)

We also offer our partners sponsorship opportunities. For more information,
please contact us at


The pace of commercial deployment and near-market maturity of speech and
language technologies over the
last few years led to the initial LangTech 2002 forum last September in

Berlin in order to showcase advancements
and bring developers, entrepreneurs and researchers together with
integrators, investors and corporations.

LangTech 2002 was attended by some 330 participants from over 30 countries
and across five continents. The programme featured presentations given by representatives of over 70
companies, from 20 nations. Most importantly,
nearly two-thirds of LangTech attendees came from industry or commercial
concerns. The programme also included
keynote speeches from major industrial players, as well as 23 SME elevator
pitch sessions which aimed to attract
customer and/or venture capital interest. There was also an exhibition in
which 20 European companies participated.
Complete information on LangTech 2002 can be viewed from the following web

D. Les cinquièmes Rencontres Jeunes Chercheurs en Parole 2003
(RJC'03) viennent de se terminer.

Elles ont eu lieu à Grenoble, accueillies par des laboratoires
de l'université Joseph Fourier, du 23 au 25 septembre.
Cette année encore, de nombreux articles ont été proposés, de
France mais aussi de Belgique, d'Algérie, de Tunisie et même du Congo.
Beaucoup d'échanges scientifiques ont eu lieu entre les
quelques 50 participants, et ce dans un esprit de convivialité.
La visite touristique des caves de la grande chartreuse et le
dîner de gala en montagne ont permis de renforcer le réseau RJC.
Un site - - est en cours de
développement. Il contiendra les articles, photos et anecdotes de ces trois

Organisateurs : Richard LAMY & Dominique VAUFREYDAZ

> Laboratoire CLIPS . Equipe GEOD & IMAG
> Université Joseph Fourier
BP 53 - 38041 GRENOBLE Cedex 9
tel :
mel :
web :


E. Vient de paraître

Victor Rosenthal

Rédacteur en Chef d'Intellectica

intellectica 2002/2, n° 35


Représentations : quelques aperçus

J. Lassegue, Y. M. Visetti : Introduction : Que reste-t-il de la représentation ?

A. Plagnol : La structure pliée des espaces de représentation : théorie élémentaire

G. Auletta : Est-ce que la représentation est caractérisée par ses propriétés intrinsèques et par la causalité ?

V. Havelange, C. Lenay, J. Stewart : Les représentations : mémoire externe et objets techniques



Longo : Laplace, Turing et le “ jeu de l’imitation”

G. Longo : Laplace, Turing et la géométrie impossible du “ jeu de l’imitation” : aléas, déterminisme et programmes dans le test de Turing

M. Mugur-Schächter : En marge de l’article de Giuseppe Longo sur Laplace, Turing et la géométrie impossible du “ jeu de l’imitation”

D. Kayser : Des modèles de nature différente peuvent approcher une même réalité

J. Pitrat : Commentaires sur le texte de Giuseppe Longo

J. Lassègue : Turing, entre formel et forme ; remarque sur la convergence des perspectives morphologiques

G. Longo : Réponse : continu vs. discret mathématiques et régimes de causalité


D. Dubois, J. Poitou : Des « normes catégorielles » : structuration cognitive et/ou linguistique des catégories sémantiques

B. Bril : Apprentissage et contexte

C. Parisse : Le débat inné-acquis et le développement du langage à l’aube du 21ème siècle

P. Bach-y-Rita, S. W. Kercel : Couplage sensori-moteur : mouvements observés et imaginés

V. Kastrup : A propos de l’apprentissage de la compétence éthique

Prix du numéro : 25 Euros

Renseignements et abonnements

<"">Fabienne PIERRECOSTECH, Centre Pierre Guillaumat,Université de Technologie de Compiègne, BP 60.31960203 CompiègneTéléphone : 03 44 23 43 46

e-mail : Fabienne.Pierre@utc.fr

F. Corpus est à la disposition de la communauté

Lors du tournage d'une émission TV produite par M6 consacrée aux jumeaux,
Bernard Teston et moi avons eu la possibilité d'enregistrer 17 paires de
jumeaux homozygotes en lecture de la chèvre de M.Seguin (environ 1 minute de
parole). Ce corpus est à la disposition de la communauté. Me contacter si

Alain Ghio
Laboratoire "Parole et Langage"
Université de Provence
29, Avenue Robert Schuman
13 621 Aix-en-Provence cedex 1
Tel : +33 (0)4 42 95 36 30
Sec : +33 (0)4 42 95 36 34
Fax : +33 (0)4 42 59 50 96
email : <>
web :

G. ELRA Catalogue update:

W0015 Text Corpus of "Le Monde" Newspaper ********************************************************************* ELRA is happy to announce that all years from Le Monde text corpus, starting from 1987, are now available. Prices are as follows (for research use only): - ELRA Members: 240,91 Euro per year - Non-members: 313,18 Euro per year ******************************************************************** *********************************************************** Marketing & Communication 55-57, rue Brillat-Savarin 75013 Paris FRANCE Tel: (+33) 1 43 13 33 33 / Fax: (+33) 1 43 13 33 30 Web sites: < eudora="autourl"> or < eudora="autourl"> LREC conference: < eudora="autourl"> LangTech forum: < eudora="autourl">

H. Nécrologie
We were deeply saddened to learn of the death of our Honorary President,
Professor Antonio Zampolli, who passed away in Pisa (Italy) on August 22, 2003.

Antonio Zampolli was the founding father of ELRA and the first President of
the association.

We will all deeply miss him, but his memory and inspiration will stay in our
minds and in our hearts for ever.

We convey our sincere sympathy to his family and friends.
C'est avec beaucoup de tristesse que nous avons appris le décès du
professeur Antonio Zampolli, survenu à Pise (Italie) le 22 août 2003

Antonio Zampolli était le fondateur d'ELRA, et fut le premier président de

Antonio Zampolli va nous manquer terriblement, et nous garderons en
mémoire son souvenir. Nous adressons à sa famille et à ses proches
nos sincères condoléances.


Rudolph Sock
Institut de Phonetique de Strasbourg
IPS - Equipe d'Accueil 3403
Universite Marc Bloch
22, rue Descartes
67084 Strasbourg
Tel. + (33) 3 88 41 73 68
Fax + (33) 3 88 41 73 69

Home: 23, rue de l'Ancienne Eglise
67076 Gambsheim
Tel + (33) 3 88 96 97 67